Why are we considered the "go-to" when it comes to Facility Design and/or outfitting your space?
I think it boils down to a few things - experience, expertise, passion and attention to detail. The AT World has changed quite a bit over the years, and we're always adapting and changing with it when necessary.
However, what is perhaps more important than anything is the fact that we genuinely care about every project we work on. Every situation is unique, every individual is different and every Athletic Training Facility we work on is treated with equal importance. Some folks have things planned out with extraordinary preicision. Some have never gone through the process and would like advice and assistance. Some are in-between, having a solid conceptual design in mind but open to suggestions and advice.
Sometimes you'll need help navigating the difficulties of dealing with GC's and Architects (and Administration and Coaches and Purchasing Departments or whomever may be involved) that don't really understand what it is you do and why it makes sense to do things a certain way. We've navigated those choppy waters many, many times. I once had someone in a Business Office tell me "a pencil is a pencil, a table is a table."
Instead of continuing to be unnecessarily verbose, it may just be easier to check out some of the projects we've profiled. In 2017, we taught ourselves (Youtube and forums helped) how to utilize a 3D Architecture program. It took roughly 2,500 hours or so, but our library now consists of anything and everything you would ever find in an ATR, drawn line-by-line from scratch while at home on nights and weekends. This wasn't done out of necessity - the idea was that it would serve as a tool that would (A) be immensley beneficial in visualization and planning and (B) show whoever is shelling out the $$ as accurate an as accurate as possible version of what their money will get them.
The overarching point is that we believe we are the most equipt to handle your AT Facility needs, no matter what they may be. Athletic Trainers are criminally underappreciated. We know that the "ATR of your dreams" is not always a realistic or plausible option, but regardless of the situation, we guarantee that nobody will work harder or smarter.
P.S. Just wanted to mention that, if you couldn't tell already, we really, really love working with ATs to create beautiful and functional ATRs!!
- The Collins Sports Medicine Family